opsview and notifications

To send a notification to an external party in opsview (3.13.1) there are a few things to do:

1. Attach keywords in the host configuration to that particular host (unique no, spaces, special characters, underscores are okay).
2. Setup a new role (with the NOTIFYSOME permission, which is vaguely documented) + check off the ‘all’ box in the keywords permission section.
3. Add a contact with an e-mail address.
4. Add a notification profile attached to that e-mail address, with specific keywords to notify on checked off.
5. In the keywords section, click to flag all services with the specified keyword (otherwise no notifications will appear).

For the lazies (which means pretty much every systems administrator out there) there is, (thankfully) a *full* REST API with JSON built into opsview (unlike some of the other Nagios derivatives). More on that later hopefully.